ICBF prefers couples be married a minimum of two years, or living together for that period of time and currently married, before applying. Children’s Hope requires you be married for one year before applying.

If pursuing the adoption of a child 0-4 years old or a young sibling group of two, no more than two young children should be living in the home at the time of application. Please call for more information.

All families must be open to either a boy or a girl; preference, however, may be stated and taken into consideration by ICBF.

Single woman may adopt a child 8 years old and older.

Families 45 years old and older must be open to a child 7 years and older. The parents age at referral will influence the age of a child ICBF approves for the family.

Families with health and mental issues will be considered on a case by case basis.

Age Requirements For Colombia Adoption Program

Parents’ Ages Age of Child Referred
25-37 0-2 years
25-45 3-6 years
25 – 45+ couples 7 and older or
Sibling Groups
Special Needs
Single Women 8 and up

Email: Nicky.Losse@ChildrensHope.net   Tel: 314-812-1742

Photos on this page are used by permission.  The children pictured are not available for adoption.

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