Dear CHI Sons and Daughters, Parents and Friends –
I feel deeply prompted to respond to the fallout from the shooting and killing of Asians in Atlanta. It affects our wonderful adoptees who are Asian. Also, I am concerned about our adoptive parents, as a parent myself, I know how torn you feel now.
I want to be of help to you in some way, as someone who has lived in both the US and China and knows well the realities of the people there and here. But I am not going to talk to you about the uniqueness of our Asian ethnicity, even though that is important, that is not my main concern now. What I would like to share with you is my view on racism today.
I see something beyond the ethnicities. I see two races going on in this trembling world, a race of hatred versus the race of love! Most of you were brought up by loving adoptive families and you are of the race of love! You might be shocked or confused or hurt, seeing the race of hatred, which is on full display now. It’s not just Asian hate, it is behind all the evil acts in this world.
To identify the two races, we cannot use political standards, yard signs or skin color! There are those filled with hatred and racism in all colors!
To the people of love, let us be very clear, our enemy is not those of different ethnic groups! Our enemy hides in the crowd using nice names! He stirs up conflict from misunderstanding, and ignorance among us and turns them into hatred, and trying to turn us into enemies of each other! He hides the truth, and hides behind political agendas. Most of all, he is the master schemer! He twists facts to induce chaos! He hates peace among people, and he hates the people of love! He applauds violence, divides people and destroys order. He lures everyone to be the race of hatred! He is the prince of darkness, the liar, the thief, and the destroyer! Most of all he wants us to turn away from love, the truth, the light, and the source of love!
How can we fight back against this evil enemy?
We first need to identify him! To identify good or evil, we only need to see the result of one’s action! If the result is kindness. love and peace, or is it chaos, hatred and destruction?!
We then need to fight back against the evil and his race of hatred! For those who feel the oppression, let us express ourselves to others in love and kindness, always communicate, and share our experiences and feelings well. Let’s do not confuse ignorance with discrimination! And furthermore, remember Martin Luther King and his examples on racism where they refused to return evil with evil. Let’s return the attack with Love!
For those who feel helpless and tongue-tied and offended at being called racists wrongly, let’s try to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and try our best to listen, support, and patiently love!!
Together, let us cut the chain of hate with love and stop the vicious circle of hatred and revenge!
Let’s refuse to be labeled by skin color and not allow our voice to be used for political purposes!
Let truth be told and love be promoted!
Let’s expose the darkness and the hatred, and fight back with Love! Blessed are the peacemakers.
Love and blessings!
Melody Zhang Lee